Friday, September 16, 2011

Playing to Learn!!

When doing the assignment "Playing to Learn" there were many topics.  My favorite educational game was under the topic of Puzzles and Mazes, and I would love to make my game on this topic.  I've learned while playing with different topics that they have different ways to make the game educational.  The game "Learn the Bones" was interesting to me because the way it was set up.  It was made to where they would give you a bone and you was to place it in the correct spot of the body.  I thought it was a great way to bring learining and fun together.  There is one thing I don't understand.  Why doesn't the games under Puzzles and Mazes have descriptions about what you are learning?  Other than that I agree with everything about the topic and I can't wait to get started on my own game.

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