Monday, September 26, 2011

Single Story

To have a "single story" on a place is like having an opinion on someone from that place, and thinking the same about everyone else as you do for that person.  If the person is bad you will think the place is bad, if the person is good you will think the place is good.  Most people have a bad opinion on our community.  They should know that not all people here live in the same condition of other people.  If someone could live in our community they would understand that not all people are the same.  I have heard Stories on Morgantown, WV.  Everyone says that is a great place and is very clean and neat.  I have never been so I don't know what it's like and the only way I can learn about that community is to go visit it.  A game could learn people about a place or community by exploring different setting in it.  Overall, a single story is an opinion based on what you have heard about a different place.

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